Our Services
I.T. Consulting
Performance of a detailed needs analysis including an assessment of your current technology along with your business needs for data management, security and maintenance. Provision of estimates with implementation and deployment plans.
Data Management
Data storage and security is of paramount importance to all businesses. We ensure that your data is secure, accessible to you from anywhere, and safely backed-up as seamlessly as possible.
We ensure that your servers, run smoothly with as little interruptions and downtime as possible. We ensure you have secure firewalls and robust remote solutions.
We understand that not all information in your business can be shared will all employees. We manage and monitor access rights and overall usage, and ensure that sensitve data is not moved outside the company. We also monitor hacking and malicous threats.
VPN Support
We configure and manage employee's remote access to your network effectively and securely.
Software Support
We provide support for business softwares and help your employees work around known bugs and challenges.